Puji Rahayuningsih
A female born in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, on April 14, 1980, Puji Rahayuningsih is a certified Tax Consultant (BKP) registered at the Directorate General of Tax and Attorney-in-fact proceeding in Tax Court for tax related matters under a permit granted by Tax Court. Besides, she is Accountant In Practice (AB) and Registered Accountant (CA) registered at the Ministry of Finance. In 2019 she earned certification from ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant (ASEAN CPA). Long before then, in 2007 she gained her economics degree (SE) in accounting from the Institute of Economics Business School (GICI) in Jakarta. In 2014 she gained her accountant profession title (Ak) after she had completed Accounting Professional Education Program at Universitas Katholik Atmajaya in Jakarta. In 2017 she completed her accounting graduate program and earned her master's degree in accounting (MAk) specializing in tax from Universitas Trisakti in Jakarta. Currently, she is a member of the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI) and the Tax Consultants Association of Indonesia (IKPI) of the Depok office.
She began her career after she had completed her highschool at SMK 1 Wonosari, Gunungkidul, in 1998, as accounting staff at PT Warner Lambert Indonesia, a pharmaceutical company. During her service for four (4) years, she has worked on rotation basis in different divison such as Cost Accounting, Account Receivable and Account Payable. In 2002 she joined PT Pfizer Indonesia, a pharmaceutical company, as Tax Accountant for three years and in 2005 she joined PT Protrans Indonesia, a forwarding service company, as Accounting Supervisor. Still in the same year in October, she joined Widyawan & Partners, a law firm, as Tax and Accounting Assistant Manager, employed until May 2016.
Presently, Puji Rahayuningsih is acting as Managing Partner in the Firm (Puji Rahayuningsih dan Wilsary) with office located in Gunungkidul. She has also been the Director/Head of JPHAN Konsultan Indonesia, an accounting service firm, the head office of which is located in East Jakarta. Due to its expansion of current services, she together with her colleague Wilsary has also established a tax and customs consulting firm with offices in Depok, West Java, and in Timika, Papua.